
2024 Email Benchmarks

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The 2023 and early 2024 benchmarks suggest that while wineries are sending more emails, they are doing so to smaller, more targeted lists. Engagement rates are solid, but the decrease in list size and open rates indicates the need for continued focus on list quality and relevance. The steady conversion rates and rising revenue per campaign highlight the effectiveness of well-targeted, engaging content that resonates with those who do engage.

As we move forward, focusing on maintaining and growing list engagement while optimizing for conversions will be key to sustaining and growing revenue.

Over the past 18 months, wineries have navigated an evolving email marketing landscape, balancing the need for frequent communication with the imperative of maintaining engagement and driving conversions. The data highlights a clear trend: while more emails are being sent, the effectiveness of these campaigns hinges on strategic targeting and thoughtful timing.

One key learning is the importance of finding the right frequency for email campaigns. While weekly and bi-monthly emails tend to keep wineries top of mind, the highest conversions and revenue per campaign often come from less frequent, more strategically timed emails, such as those sent quarterly or every other month. This suggests that while frequent communication can maintain engagement, less frequent, high-impact emails might be more effective at driving significant sales and conversions.

The analysis also underscores the critical role of timing in email performance. Emails sent in the early morning hours tend to drive higher conversion rates and average order values, while late afternoon emails may generate higher engagement but lower immediate sales. This insight can help wineries optimize their send times to align with when their audience is most likely to convert, ensuring that each email not only captures attention but also drives meaningful action.

Finally, the data points to the continued importance of maintaining list health and relevance. While list sizes have decreased, the focus on more targeted, engaged audiences has paid off in higher click-through rates and stronger revenue per campaign. This emphasizes the need for ongoing list management and segmentation to ensure that each campaign reaches the right audience with the right message, maximizing the impact of every email sent.

Wineries can achieve strong results by focusing on quality over quantity, optimizing timing, and maintaining a healthy, engaged subscriber base. As the industry moves forward, these key learnings will be essential for refining email strategies and continuing to drive success in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.

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